You can learn more about each of our corporate policies by expanding each section below.
FortisOntario Inc. (the “Company”) and its operating subsidiaries strive to achieve environmental excellence in providing electrical power and electrical utility services to its customers. Through the implementation of its Health, Safety & Environmental Management System, the Company maintains its focus on the continual improvement of its environmental responsibilities and performance. The following policy sets the Company’s environmental commitments.
We will endeavour to:
- Encourage and enable the Company to have an effective environmental management system that is appropriate to the nature, scale and impacts of its business, and is committed to the continual improvement and prevention of pollution.
- Comply with all applicable environmental legislation, regulations, and other requirements and require the Company’s contractors to comply with the same standards.
- Integrate environmental factors into the Company’s planning, decision making, and business practices.
- Manage the system through documentation, implementation, maintenance, consultation, and participation of workers.
- Set environmental objectives and targets to enable the responsible management of the Company’s environmental aspects.
- Make available to all employees of the Company appropriate training to ensure that their work is conducted in an environmentally responsible manner.
- Ensure that the Company’s environmental policy is communicated to the Company’s employees and is made available to the public, shareholders, and other interested parties.
Date: January 12, 2024
Approved By: Glen King, President and Chief Executive Officer
FortisOntario Inc. (the “Company”) and its operating subsidiaries strive to achieve health and safety excellence in providing electrical power and electrical utility services to its customers. Through the implementation of its Health, Safety & Environmental Management System, the Company maintains its focus on the continual improvement of its health and safety responsibilities and performance. The following policy sets the Company’s health and safety commitments.
We will endeavour to:
- Encourage and enable the Company to have an effective health and safety management system that is appropriate to the nature, scale, and risks of its business, and is committed to continual improvement and prevention of injury and ill health.
- Comply with all applicable health and safety legislation, regulations, and other requirements and require the Company’s contractors to comply with the same standards.
- Integrate health and safety factors into the Company’s planning, decision making, and business practices.
- Manage the system through documentation, implementation, maintenance, consultation, and participation of workers.
- Set health and safety objectives and targets to enable the responsible management of the Company’s health and safety risks.
- Make available to all employees of the Company appropriate training to ensure that their work is conducted in a healthy and safe manner.
- Ensure that the Company’s health and safety policy is communicated to the Company’s employees and available to the public, shareholders, and other interested parties.
Date: January 12, 2024
Approved By: Glen King, President and Chief Executive Officer
FortisOntario Inc. (the “Company”) and its operating subsidiaries strive to achieve health and safety excellence in providing electrical power and electrical utility services to its customers.
The Company recognizes that its employees should be able to work without fear of violence and harassment. The Company is committed to fostering a workplace free of violence and harassment by meeting its statutory obligations, taking reasonable steps to protect employees from workplace violence and harassment and ensuring that all employees are treated with respect, fairness, and sensitivity. The Company is also committed to creating an informed and socially responsible workforce
,by increasing awareness of the implications of violence and harassment. All complaints and incidents related to workplace violence and harassment will be treated seriously and receive the same care and attention as any other workplace hazard. The following policy sets the Company’s commitment to this endeavour.We will endeavour to:
- Take all reasonable precautions and steps to protect employees and ensure a workplace free from workplace violence and harassment.
- Undertake workplace violence risk assessments to identify risks of workplace violence and develop appropriate controls.
- Encourage and enable the Company to have an effective health and safety management system that is appropriate to the nature, scale, and risks of its business, and is committed to continual improvement and prevention of workplace violence and harassment, accidents, and injuries.
- Comply with all applicable health and safety legislation, regulations, and other requirements and require the Company’s contractors to comply with the same standards.
- Consult with the Joint Health and Safety Committee as appropriate, including with respect to the Company’s workplace violence risk assessment.
- Make available to all employees of the Company appropriate training on the contents of the Company's workplace violence and harassment policy and program.
- Ensure that the Company’s Workplace Violence and Harassment policy is reviewed at least annually, and that the policy and program are communicated to the Company’s employees and available to the public, shareholders, and other interested parties.
Date: January 12, 2024
Approved By: Glen King, President and Chief Executive Officer
FortisOntario Inc. and its operating subsidiaries are committed to building effective relationships with Indigenous communities for mutual benefit and to ensure we have the structures, resources, and skills necessary to maintain these relationships. In order to meet this commitment, the actions of FortisOntario and its employees will be guided by the following key principles.
We will endeavour to:
- Acknowledge, respect, and understand that Indigenous people have unique histories, cultures, protocols, values, beliefs, and governments.
- Support fair and equal access to employment and business opportunities within FortisOntario companies for Indigenous people provided they meet FortisOntario’s performance standards.
- Commit to dialogue through clear and open communication with Indigenous communities on an ongoing and timely basis for the mutual interest and benefit of both parties.
- Encourage awareness and understanding of Indigenous issues within its work force, industry, and communities where it operates.
- Ensure that when interacting with Indigenous peoples, our employees, consultants, and contractors demonstrate respect and understanding of Indigenous people’s culture, values, and beliefs.
To give effect to these principles, each of FortisOntario’s business units will develop, in dialogue with Indigenous communities, plans in line with the intent of these principles specific to their circumstances.
Date: January 12, 2024
Approved By: Glen King, President and Chief Executive Officer
Fortis Inc. (Fortis, we, our) is pleased to provide its annual report under the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (Act) for the year 2023.
This is a “joint report” under section 11(2)(b) of the Act.1 It is provided on behalf of Fortis and its Canadian operating subsidiary utilities identified below. Fortis and these subsidiaries are “entities” under section 2 of the Act and are subject to the reporting obligations under Part 2 the Act by virtue of importing into Canada goods that are produced outside Canada, or controlling an entity that imports into Canada goods that are produced outside Canada.To see the complete report, please follow here.