Statement of Commitment
FortisOntario is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We are committed to equal opportunity and to meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).
Accessibility For Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
The government of Ontario enacted the AODA in 2005, building the framework for compliance with mandatory accessibility standards, stage by stage. The AODA requires by law, that all service providers remove barriers faced by people with disabilities. The purpose of the AODA is to move organizations in Ontario forward on accessibility with the long term goal of a barrier-free Ontario by 2025.
Accessibility Standards for Customer Service
The Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07 became law on January 1, 2008. It is the first (1st) of five (5) standards being developed under the AODA and is a significant step towards achieving the goal of a barrier-free Ontario. The law requires that all public and private sector organizations in Ontario, including FortisOntario, are in compliance with this standard by January 1, 2012.
FortisOntario has ensured that all employees to whom this policy directive applies has received training, including staff that deal with the public or other third parties, as well as those involved in developing customer service policies, practices and procedures.
View the FortisOntario Accessibility for Customer Service Standards Policy.
Integrated Accessibility Policy
The next three (3) standards ((Information and Communications (2nd), Employment (3rd) and Transportation (4th)) were passed in 2011 under one (1) regulation called the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation also establishes the compliance framework for obligated organizations.
View the FortisOntario Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy.
View the FortisOntario Accessibility Plan.
Policies and Procedures
Upon request, FortisOntario will provide any policies and procedures relating to the provision of services to people with disabilities in a format that takes into account the person's disability.
Customer Service: (905) 871-0330 or (905) 835-0051
Mail: 1130 Bertie Street P.O. Box 1218, Fort Erie, ON L2H 5Y2