FortisOntario Inc. ("FortisOntario") is an electric utility, which owns and operates Canadian Niagara Power Inc., Eastern Ontario Power, Cornwall Street Railway Light & Power Company Limited, and Algoma Power Inc. FortisOntario’s subsidiaries are licensed by the Ontario Energy Board ("OEB") for the transmission and distribution of electricity in Ontario.
Canadian Niagara Power is a licensed transmitter. Its transmission system is interconnected with Hydro One’s transmission system in Niagara Falls, Ontario and provides service in and around the area of Fort Erie, Ontario. The transmission system is also interconnected, through an emergency tie line, with the transmission system owned and operated by US National Grid in New York State.
FortisOntario also acts as project manager for Wataynikaneyap Power, a transmission company licensed by the OEB. For more information, please visit Wataynikaneyap Power.